Friday, March 17, 2017

Enough said and enough done. Tonight we run. Tonight we hop on to the other. We won;t even know. We move from dimension to the next with out a sound, but can we remember, Do you remember Evil Knievel spelled as such? Maybe we aren't from the same place. Maybe I know you, but a you that has shifted. Maybe you remember where you were on October 9th 1992, buy maybe you don't remember it the same. Maybe I'm strange, but I feel as if I've transcended a plain. I ended up in one close to the same, but with little differences. With hims and hers and then and weres' that don't match up the same with those on this plane. You think... maybe I remember it all wrong. Maybe the words to this song were all different. Maybe the thing I said to yesterday isn't what I had said at all.
Maybe I've had to much to drink and I think that the world around me is different than than one I think is around me.
Could you imagine sending a messenger pigeon in the form as a punch. A kiss with a fist is better than none!
My reality has bruised and battered me early this year. I was not ready for all this nature.
It is still winter by memory, but is spring to the life budding forth from the trees.
The remembrance says no, but the here and now says go.
Plant and dig deep your seed for the sun is warm and the ground is wet.
My batteries are all dead and ther's not enough ports or working cords that you dont have to wrap around for them all to function and be reborn every morning. I can't even remember a time when everything worked the way it was supposed to. When things fell in line without hassle or tussle.
Nothing ever works out the way you think it should and maybe that's the whole point. What do you do with that? how do you move on? You move forwards or back, you look to the future or the past. Maybe you shouldn't look at all, just fell. Where is this going? Where does it feel like it's going?
Just write the first thing that pops into your head and it's probably the answer.
We've had a lot of pictures here recently.
We have trouble finding the time. The words.
I've worked from sun up to sun down for the last few weeks and it's taxing.
And then I played.
Rusted Root. Residual kid.
Fun nights. Terrible mornings.
New loves.
Old toasts to hoodies hanging in belfries.
It's too early as I've said before.
I need it to slow down.
I'm waiting for the flood.
I'm waiting for the heavens to open up and remind us all that winter has not passed and that spring is not the strongest of the seasons.
Rebirth is not easy or remorseless.
It pushes it's way through the dead earth and stone, fighting for the one thing that it is.
I labor in the business of life.
I strive for the business of creation.
I decide when things should be planted, when they are watered, when they are allowed.
They do not listen.
Our spring has come a month and a half early and I struggle to keep up with it's pace.
I planted grass in March for the first time in Colorado. It will be fine.
The fact that it will be fine is not copacetic. It should not be. It should be subject to a deep freeze that is not going to come.
I can feel it, or rather, I can feel the lack of it coming.
I feel a summer of dire heat and dessert settling back on the semi arid desert that has just come out of a ten year drought. The high desert we call home. I see forests burning and hundred degree weeks oppressing the life that we desperately try to maintain here.
I see rolling brown outs and hours and days without power on the horizon.
I welcome change.
I want those that don't know to know and those that don't care to care.
I feel the hands of the clock moving slowly towards that final hour, and I welcome it as the new beginning.
I see a lot of pictures in this place for words and feel some failure.

This shit is hard.
I haven't had a second in the last week and a half to myself.
I need to change myself so that I will.

To the other guy. Sorry for the lapse. Life sometimes get's in the way.
Just trying, many years later, how to make this life good again.
 i offer up less than a thousand words, but i hope to inspire.
Let's keep this fire going and burning.
Let's not be afraid to make mistakes.
Let's not be afraid to throw our notes away and make new ones.
Let's not lose the pulse of this living thing.

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